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Watch The Impossible Movie Online Free in HD
Maria, Henry and their three sons begin their winter vacation in Thailand, looking forward to a few days in tropical paradise. But on the morning of December 26th, as the family relaxes around the pool after their Christmas festivities the night before, a terrifying roar rises up from the center of the earth. As Maria freezes in fear, a huge wall of black water races across the hotel grounds toward her. PG-13. Watch The Impossible Movie Without Survey HERE
Release Date The Impossible Dec 21, 2012 Limited
Genres The Impossible : Drama,Action & Adventure


Story Line For The Impossible

A regular family - Maria (Naomi Watts), Henry (Ewan McGregor) and their three kids - travel to Thailand to spend Christmas. They get an upgrade to a villa on the coastline. After settling in and exchanging gifts, they go to the pool, like so many other tourists. A perfect paradise vacation until a distant noise becomes a roar. There is no time to escape from the tsunami; Maria and her eldest are swept one way, Henry and the youngest another. Who will survive, and what will become of them?

Total Vote User The Impossible : 24,872 Visitor
User Ranting The Impossible : 4
User Percentage For The Impossible : 85 %
User Count Like for The Impossible : 15,945
All Critics Ranting For The Impossible : 7.3
All Critics Count For The Impossible : 161
All Critics Percentage For The Impossible : 81 %

Actors For The Impossible

Naomi Watts,Ewan McGregor,Tom Holland (X)

The Impossible Movie Review

The tsunami sequence is amazing, right up there with the one Clint Eastwood staged in Hereafter.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

This is an unforgettable tribute to the determination of a very special family.
Richard Roeper-Richard

Naomi Watts gives one of her finest, most physically commanding turns.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post

Although it's ostensibly based on true events, The Impossible is not so much an inspiring tale of survival as it is an action flick.
Bilge Ebiri-New York Magazine

While it may have been changed for the screen, this story of a family's ordeal is one from which any parent - any person, really - can't turn away.
Connie Ogle-Miami Herald

This is a movie about the will to survive that physically acknowledges that will may not be enough.
Tom Long-Detroit News

South East Asian tsunami survival saga is a test of endurance

The most challenging aspect of disaster movies to make the disaster believable. But performances aren't all about screaming, and this cast does a remarkable job of convincing us of their complexities and humanity
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile

There are many powerful scenes in this true life and death scenario about the impact of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami to one family, but none can match the potency of the scene when Henry (McGregor) borrows a mobile phone from a stranger to ring home
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

Profound & Touching

[B]rings a new heart to the disaster film, focusing not on the large scale of physical destruction but on the small scale of fragile, traumatized people amidst the unimaginable scale of the catastrophe...
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher

Bayona has the uncanny ability to put viewers in the moment, allowing them to vividly experience the family's struggles. But for all his formidable skills and artistic vision, his compassion is distressingly myopic.
Jeff Meyers-Metro Times (Detroit, MI)

A more accurate name for this New Age disaster movie might be 'The Lucky' or 'The Coincidental.' If we accept the Brits' survival as something miraculous, what does that imply about the tens of thousands of Asians who were wiped out?
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

... a story of resiliency and humanity that is somewhat overwrought but emotionally exhausting and ultimately powerful.

The tsunami is easily more effective than anything to come out of a Roland Emmerich disaster sequence.
Nick Nunziata-CHUD

The Impossible has enough going for it to earn a mild recommendation, but it's unfortunate that it ends up self-destructing as rapidly as one of those Mission: Impossible messages.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing

The massive numbers of people in an overflowing hospital with overwhelmed staff is nearly as gut wrenching as the disaster that created this landscape of human debris.
Lori Hoffman-Atlantic City Weekly

What reeks most about The Impossible is that it mistakes adventurous titillation for humanitarian mourning.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth

Nothing beats God's eye for scale and perspective.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray

Yet one more example of a real-life story someone thought would "make a great movie," "The Impossible" is as flat and predictable as they come.

The Impossible takes the breath away with its powerful restaging of the catastrophe; but if the wave's visceral impact knocks you off your feet then it's the story's emotional undertow that sweeps you away.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

Forget National Lampoon, this is the real vacation from Hell!

...always aware of how this traumatic experience would be filtered through this particular family.
Josh Larsen-LarsenOnFilm

Still a boy but having to harvest the strength of an adult, Lucas carries the emotions of the audience with him. We cry when he cries...cheer when he cheers.
Michael A. Smith-MediaMikes


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